Here I am ready and willingly ready to leave for the hospital at 5:50 am on Wednesday. Thrilled that I am getting this boy out of me, I was definitely running out of room and he wanted out.

8:30 am: we are all scrubbed up and ready to head to the operating room. I was getting slightly nervous about it, but talking with Derek and Megann helped calm me down some. We were able to get special permission from the hospital to let Megann come and watch the c-section. It was alot of fun having her there with us.

Here is our little guy.
Andrew Derek Taylor
8 lbs 4 oz
21 inches
How did I carry such a big baby...I will never know. We couldn't believe how big he was; nothing compared to our little Jane who showed up at under six pounds. Everything went great with the c-section, except when he came out they noticed something wasn't quite right with left arm. Some how his arm got behind his back and when they pulled him our his humerous bone broke. He is taking it like a champ.

What I love the most about this picture is that you can tell how big Derek is smiling even with his mask on. He was finally able to bring Andrew over to me after they did his initial check and cleaning.

First time I was able to look at him. Love at first sight if you ask me. Look at his little lip sticking out. This kid already makes great facials.

The doctor fianlly came in today and was planning on putting a cast on his arm. Sadly the smallest cast mold they had was to big. Instead they put a splint down his arm and wrapped it with an ace bandage. It is nice and secure.

Our first attempt at a family picture didn't go quite so well. Jane had a hard moment. We will keep trying.