After being in the hospital for five days we were finally able to come home. It felt absolutely wonderful to be home again, especially with our new little addition! We had such a good experience at Mercy Gilbert, and highly recommend it to anyone. Once Jane was home she slept so much better than when we were at the hospital.
This was her first attempt at a bath...or at least her first wipe down. Jane is so little that she didn't even come close to fitting in her new bath chair. She surprisingly didn't even cry. After her chord fell off though we did give her a real bath. It was short lived because Jane decided to poop everywhere. So Gross! Derek actually put on gloves to clean it up; I took the child. Needless to say that her next bath we kept her diaper on her just incase she felt the need to unload everything again.
After her bath we got Jane all dressed up and posed for a picture for Daddy. Thanks to Aunt Natalie for getting Jane some newborn onesies. They are the only clothes that fits her. I should have bought some preemie clothes, but who expects thier child to be four weeks early.
When we went to her first doctor's appointment they told us that she had some jaudice that we needed to get under control. In about a week and a half we had to go to the doctors four times and she had to get her blood taken four times. It was so sad. Everytime they took it I couldn't even look; Derek had to hold her. They did give us a light at home though to help keep it under control. That was such a blessing because this way we didn't have to go back to the hospital. After being on the blanket a week her levels came down and she is finally free!
Like most babies, Jane's favorite thing to do is sleep! Derek proped her up against me and litterally a few seconds later she was out. She is so adorable. We are all about her sleeping unless she needs to eat, and won't budge at all.