Monday, September 15, 2008

Those Dang Colors!!

Ok, so I couldn't pass up telling this story. This weekend I had a nasty cold, and spent most of the weekend on the couch. My wonderful husband helped me out by finishing up the laundry. Yesterday I was putting mine away when I noticed the two pairs of my socks were mismatched. When I looked closer Derek had paired up my light pink one and my light blue one together. Heres the catch. For those of you who don't know, Derek is colorblind so he didn't even realize he had made the mistake. haha!! Of course when I realized why they were paired up that way I went out in the family room and gave him a big kiss and told him he was the best; then I rubbed in the colorblind mistake. Oh man...the little things in life make me crack up!!


Becca said...

That is funny! I didn't know he was color blind! How sad! So many fabulous colors to enjoy, but at least he was willing to try! What a good guy!

Michelle and Aaron said...

Oh Derek, how I miss...teasing you. But don't feel bad, Aaron swears that I am colorblind also. Which is technically possible. I've never thought less of you because of your handicap.