This past week Jane had to got five shots. None of us were too thrilled about it, and Jane was the first to show her displeasure. A few days after her shots she was being extremely fussy. She was never quite content during the day, and at night she was up every few hours. After a few nights of this I was a complete wreak. Lack of sleep is something that I do not handle well at all. So on that second morning, Derek went in late to work and took care of Jane so I could get to sleep. Last weekend, he also stayed up with her so I could get in some solid blocks of sleep. Needless to say he saved me. I am so grateful for a husband who loves me so much. He never complains about anything. Even when I feel bad that the house is a mess, dinner is not made, and I am still in my pj's when he comes home from work...he is just happy to see us!! I honestly do not know how anyone can raise a child alone. Derek has been my strength through everything and I owe my sanity to him.
5 years ago
Good man!
You are so good to count your blessings! I used to apologize to Jay every day when he came home to a messy house, and dinner not ready. Then one day I realized I was doing my best, and I told him I wasn't going to apologize for doing my best - it's depressing. I was much happier, when I could focus on the good.
oooo, what a sweet post... loved the pics of her first smiles!!
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